For us, 2nd quarter means getting serious about number recognition in kinder. We choose not to begin on day 1 with a strong numbers focus because most of our students just aren't ready for school yet. They need to transition in and since we start the alphabet on day 1 all those characters floating around can be very confusing. By 2nd quarter we've focused on 2D/3D shapes, patterns, graphing, and counting so we're definitely ready for numbers!
I was looking through my binders for number recognition activities and I just wasn't very excited about use "hand me down" printouts crocked with copier marks and just a mess. I also wanted to try out some fun ideas I saw on Pinterest for number recognition using clothes pins (I would give credit, but I'm not sure who was the original ideas because I've seen in many many times) and a Lakeshore game using chain links or paper clips. The Lakeshore game was nearly $20 and with tight budgets that wasn't going to work... So, as usual I got busy making a few of my own. Let me know what you think!
I'm tossing around some cut/paste number ordering and recognition pages as well. Let me know if you have any great ideas for number recognition projects I could create and I'll send you a copy for free!
Grab on TpT!