Differentiation in the Classroom

How do you differentiate for students?  I've found that sometimes I'm great at this and other times I fall short...
  • I've tried making my station materials with different levels of challenging activities on them so that can help.  
  • I try to allow my advanced students to work at a quicker pace than the rest of the class so they stay interested as well. 
  • I'm beginning to use touch math for my struggling students to help with their tactile/visual needs.
  • I use my "teacher station" time not only for remediation, but also for enrichment.  
    • I really believe in not letting the "bright" kids skate along, but rather to keep challenging them along the way.  I have kids that are chapters ahead of the class if they've proved to me that they're capable. 
Leave a comment on how you differentiate for students and visit the linky party at Taking a Walk on the Teaching Side.  You can add your own links for the next few weeks!
Taking a Walk on the Teaching Side- Differentiation Link-up
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